January 26th, 2023
by Pastor Matt Cottrill
by Pastor Matt Cottrill
Hebrews 11:6
“It is impossible to please God, without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him, must believe that God exists, and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him”
The news article told of a scientist, who encountered a two headed sea turtle. The story described how this unusual swimming sea turtle had been found, and the circumstances that led to the discovery. If you never encountered a two headed sea turtle, would it be easy to believe the news? What if you didn’t know the author of the story, had never been to the beach where the turtle was found, and maybe even didn’t know enough about sea turtles to come to the conclusion that they exist at all. What if you’ve never been to the ocean? You couldn’t touch it or see it for yourself, but if you read that story, you probably wouldn’t even hesitate. You would believe it. You might even share the story. You might wonder what life would be like for a two headed sea turtle. Again—belief with no hesitation.
God doesn’t pose for selfies. He doesn’t have a social media presence. He doesn’t seek out the paparazzi. He doesn’t ask for news coverage. So when people hear about him, it can be easy to believe he doesn’t exist. Yet, there are many more stories about a good God then there are about any animal with two heads.
The odd story is believed readily, while the amazing story seems unbelievable to many. The most important choice you will ever make won’t be whether to believe in a strange animal. You’re most important choice is to trust in the God who made a newsworthy two-headed sea turtle. He made you. He loves you. He asks you to believe that he made and loves you.
What you need to know about God has been written down, lived out and discussed by those who believe. Is that you? Is it now? If not, why?
The truth is, God exists and blessings come to those who believe this much better than average news. Seek Him! Find Him! Follow Him!
Thursday thoughts………
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